How To Install Daloradius On Centos 6
Centos 7 Installation Guide
Test radius server. Execute the following command to check the radius server # radtest testuser somepass localhost 1812 testing123. The last line in the response should be like. Rad_recv: Access-Accept packet from host port 1812, id=19, length=20. The Access-Accept word confirms that RADIUS server is up and running.
How To Install Daloradius
Centos 7 Install Usb
.and comment out the following line referring to just User-Name. If you want to see what's happening here, switch on all the logging options in radiusd.conf and run radiusd in debug mode (-X) to see what's happening: you'll see ' user@domain' being passed to SQL when using User-Name, but just 'user' when using Stripped-User-Name. Using the latter, realms worked for me (basically, I strip everything, as all user names are unique on the server anyway). Of course, set all your other SQL options as needed (database login details, etc).